剖分式轴承座的上盖和底座可分离,主要承受径乡向载荷,适合于圆柱孔和圆锥孔的调心滚子轴承和调心球轴承。该种轴承座主要应用于冶金,矿山,输送系统,环保设备等等。主要的型号有SN 系列、SD系列、SNU系列、SNL系列,1500、1600系列,Z2500Y、Z2600Y系列,GZ2、GZ4系列。各系列的主要区别是承受的负荷不同,密封形式不同(羊毛毡,双唇密封,U型密封,迷宫圈密封等)。它具有良好的导热性,安装和拆卸方便,并且大大提高了密封件的效用。
Split Plummer block, whose cap and base can be separated, mainly bear radial load. It fits for self-aligning spherical roller bearings or self-aligning spherical ball bearing. They are used in metallurgy, mining, conveyor systems, environment protecting and other industry. The main model No is SN series、SD series、SNU series、SNL series,1500、1600 series,Z2500Y、Z2600Y series,GZ2、GZ4 series and so on. The main difference is load and seal type (oil felt, TG, U-lock, TS ). They has good heat conduction, and also can simplify mounting and dismounting procedures, improve sealing efficiency etc.
Plain Bearing Block Housings are made up of cap, base ,aluminum bronze bushing and installing bolts, which mainly bear radial load. They needn’t to be matched with bearings, so very easy in application. There is one oil groove in the bronze bushing, where lubricant can flow into the axis from the oil hole on the cap of housings. They are mainly used in metallurgy and conveyor systems. The main model No is H2000,H4000,ZHC4-00,HX000,HZ000,ZHC2-00,XHC4-00.
Insert ball bearing units is composed of outer spherical ball bearing and pillow block. In application, it doesn’t need bearing housing., dimension is small and structure is simple, which is easy for use. The insert ball bearing units is solid type, which is rigid and can change with other types. They are able to compensate for initial errors of alignment. Besides, they are sealed at both sides, which can be used in agricultural machinery, construction equipment, conveyor systems, textile machines and fans as well as in machines for food and beverage processing and packaging.
Adapter sleeves are the most commonly used components for locating bearings with a tapered bore onto a cylindrical seating as they can be used on smooth or stepped shafts.
They are easy to mount and require no additional location on the shaft. They are made up of sleeve, lock nut and lock washer. The main model No is H series, HE series, HS series, HA series and OH series.